HIPPO’s mission is to be the UK’s leading rubbish clearance provider. In 2022 they invested heavily in their marketing campaigns, including a big investment in TV to help project their brand awareness nationwide.
We came up with 2 concepts, one ‘safe’ concept which hit all of the needs of the brief, but also one ‘risky’ concept, which didn’t hit every bullet point but had the potential to be far more memorable. The ‘Hippo in a bag’ was born!
Recall of Hippobags as the source of initial awareness increased dramatically when compared to previous waves of marketing activity, 24% of research respondents mentioned TV as their initial source. That equates to a 200% increase.
The commercial was also tested in one region that hadn’t had any significant marketing spend or traditionally sold any of the products. They found an instant uplift in sales and after further analysis, web traffic demonstrated significant uplift during and immediately after a commercial aired.